What is the process of laser tattoo removal?
- When your tattoo was applied, thousands of particles of ink were deposited into the dense inner layer of skin known as the dermis.Your body’s normal reaction to the introduction of foreign particles is to absorb and eradicate them. That is why tattoos fade over time. But a tattoo won’t completely disappear on its own because the ink particles are too large.During the laser tattoo removal process, the large ink particles are shattered into many smaller pieces, which the body can then remove.
- Our tattoo removal laser selectively targets the ink molecules only, not the surrounding skin tissue. The very short and fast pulses of concentrated energy are delivered at specific wavelengths for each color. Once the ink particles have been broken down into smaller pieces, the body’s immune system will go to work removing them and the tattoo will begin to fade.
- Complete removal of a tattoo typically requires multiple treatments because the ink is layered into the skin.Each tattoo removal treatment targets deeper layers of ink that were previously hidden by the earlier layers.
- We recommend your laser tattoo removal treatments be spaced at least 6-8 weeks apart. This allows your body to do its part in the healing process, absorbing and carrying away the ink particles. This timeframe will allow for an optimum degree of fading between visits.
- After eight laser tattoo removal treatments, the tattoo is gone! There is minimal skin discoloration which varies depending on skin tone. The success of any tattoo removal is due, in part, to a client’s dedication in following all after-care instructions such as avoiding the sun, smoking, and alcohol.
Is everyone and every tattoo the same, or are there levels and different settings?
- 1064 wavelength: this wavelength targets black inks that sit the deepest-typically black inks are the easiest to remove.
- 694 wavelength: the Ruby wavelength targets the Blue/ Green colors. These colors are sometimes more difficult to remove- and the ruby is the best wavelength to remove these colors.
- 532 wavelength: are used to target the red/orange colors that typically sit at the least depth in the skin.
What is the aftercare treatment?
- The area will be covered with an ointment such as A&D and a bandage after each treatment.
- Apply this type of ointment for 3 days, 2 times daily.
- A client can take ibuprofen for discomfort but NOT ASPIRIN.
- A cool compress can also be applied.
- The area should be kept dry for 24 hours to increase the speed of healing.
- Do not pick at any scabs or pop blisters.
- Drink plenty of water to keep the skin hydrated.
- After three days, let the area dry out for more rapid healing.
- Always contact your family physician if there is unusual swelling or pain.
How long does each session take?
The timing all depends on the size of your tattoo, but overall the process is very quick. Your body can only absorb so much ink/color so if you have a larger tattoo we will have to break up your treatments into several sessions.
Will your tattoo go away 100%?
There are 250 types of ink in the tattoo market, which are not regulated by the FDA so we have no way of knowing what we are working with. We do see 100% removal in many cases but please note there is a chance that the tattoo will just fade.
Can skin tone affect how my tattoo removes?
In the same way that every tattoo is unique to the individual, so is the removal of that tattoo. The tattoo removal process begins with a complimentary consultation where we assess the size and location of your tattoo, skin tone, as well as the color and depth of the ink. We will then determine the number of treatments needed and how skin tone affects laser tattoo removal. There is a scale that is referred to as the “Fitzpatrick Scale”. It helps professionals evaluate your skin for the best treatment.
The breakdown is below:
- Fitzpatrick Type I
Highly sun-sensitive, always burns, never tans.
- Fitzpatrick Type II
- Fitzpatrick Type III
- Fitzpatrick Type IV
- Fitzpatrick Type V
- Fitzpatrick Type VI
The tone of your skin will have a direct impact on your results. Different skin tones require different protocols for effective treatment. The tattoo removal laser works by making a distinction between the ink and your skin. The more contrast there is between the two, the more aggressive we can be with the laser settings. Knowing your skin type helps us predict your response to laser tattoo treatments as well as letting us know which lasers can be safely used on your skin.